I also took time to weld in a metal panel over the hole in the front scuttle that usually holds the battery box. This is a hole that is left in the body for the right had drive cars so that the brake and gas peddle assemble can be installed. For the left hand drive, a battery box is bolted in place. My battery box is gone and I plan to replace it with a chromed version. So I decided to just weld in a new piece of metal to cover the hole and give me a good foundation for the new box.
I had a couple of holes in the truck that required filling. The trunk saw a lot of sitting water and really needed some care. So I fabricated five metal pieces, welded them in, sealed them (and the whole trunk) with Eastwood Seam Caulk, primed and painted.
The back seat tub had some areas of rust, plus some holes had been drilled to mount the non-Jaguar rear seats. I made little metal plates that I welded into place, sealed and painted.
Finally, I painted the inside of the right fender well and gas tank cavity with rust encapsulating paint. Since a lot of rust happens around where the inner wheel well and fender are welded together, I took a turkey baster and “basted” this area with the paint. The interesting thing was that I found a couple of other rust holes were the paint came poring out of unexpected areas! I had a little more welding to do!